has got many therapeutic qualities, so it is used for Therapeutic
Purpose. 70% part of human body is made up of water. , it is present in
the form of blood & other body fluids. So there is no life without
water. When water is applied on body it acts in many ways because of its
Therapeutic effects. Effects obtained by water are stimulant, sedative, Tonic diuretic, emetic, antipyretic, expectorant, antispasmodic etc.
Hip Bath:- Person made to sit in a small tub filled with water where whole abdomen comes in contact with water, it influence all the abdominal organs, helpful in coming all the ailment related to digestive system eg:- dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Gas formation etc.
Spinal bath:- Spinal bath tub is designed in a such a way that water comes in Contact with whole spine & its surrounding area. Given in case of High blood presser, Insomnia, Tiredness & Nervous weakness.
Immersion Bath:- In this type of hydrotherapic treatment whole body is immersed inside the water with head remaining outside. Effect obtained by Immersion bath can be modified by giving friction during the bath or by adding some salts having analgesic effect eg:- Mg So4, Nacl2. This gives fast relief in painful condition. This type of treatment increase blood circulation all over the body and enhance activity there by helping in elimination of toxins.
Jacuzzi:- This also same type of treatment as immersion bath only the difference is made by pressure forced inside the water during bath. In Jacuzzi tub different points are made from when water will thrown out with force inside the tub. This force of water gives pressure to different body parts and there by increasing therapeutic effect of water. It gives pure water supply to all body part relief congestion.
Spinal Spray:- In this bath tub has got an metal rode provided with small pores in It. Patient while lying down on his back in such a way that water will spread out on whole of his spine with amount of pressure. This will stimulate Nervous system effective in case of Nervous irritability hemiplegia, Neurasthenia, back pain etc.
Arms & foot bath:- In this treatment arms & feet are placed inside the water Varying temperature, whole of the body congestion, helpful in case of headache, Asthma sinusitis, migraine.
Steam bath:- Here moist heat is passed to all body parts stimulating glandular activity, increase blood circulation, open up the skin pores them by helping in elimination of toxins.
Sauna Bath:- Sauna bath has got some effect as steam only the difference is in Sauna bath dry heat is passed which may cause suffocation & skin imitation so it should be avoided in weak people, old age and patient suffering from heart disease.
Full wet sheet pack:- Full body is covered with cotton cloth wet with cold water, which will covered by woolen blanket. This will reduce body temperature, increase elimination, activate skin function. Given in case of obesity, toxicity, bodyache.